Our Values

Seek What Is Lost

“We focus on helping people find their way to God.”

We will recognize the urgency of our calling by intentionally building relationships with people far from God, people turned off from church, and people seeking truth. We will be externally focused but internally aware.

Luke 15, Luke 19:10, Ecclesiastes 3:22

Pay The Price

“We give up things we love for things we love even more.”

We will make serving others and putting them first a way of life, because God’s mission is bigger than me. We will humbly sacrifice our own preferences in order to engage in and reach out to our community, because obedience rarely happens without sacrifice. We love people more than programs or places, and we will sacrifice with generosity and abundant joy.

2 Corinthians 8:1-5, Luke 9:24, Luke 18:28-30, Acts 2:44-45

Take the Next Step

“We commit to grow personally and spiritually to be more like Christ.”

We will continually pursue intimacy with God by taking next steps in spiritual growth. We will do our part to be spiritual contributors, not spiritual consumers. We will actively demonstrate our love for God and each other by our actions. We focus on health, because health fosters growth.

Acts 10 (Peter and Cornelius), I Peter 5:6-11 “as individuals and as a church family”; Ephesians 4:15-16

Get Out Of The Boat

”We trust God, take risks, and embrace failures.”

We will be Spirit-led and faith-filled, believing in a big God who can do amazing things through us we could never do on our own. We will always be forward thinking, willing to take steps of faith to honor Christ. We will not just be people who pray, but people of prayer. We will intentionally build up God’s Kingdom, not our own.

Matthew 14:22-34

Pour It Out

"We give our best for God, because He gave His best for us."

We will always give our very best and never say our effort is "good enough," because we recognize that the way we live our lives is an expression of worship.  We pray as if everything depends on prayer and work as if everything depends on work.  We will pursue excellence and create experiences that are welcoming because we serve an excellent God.  

Get Messy

“We courageously meet people where they are, walking in grace and truth.”

We will lean in toward people from different spiritual backgrounds and viewpoints while speaking the truth in love. We will embrace tension despite awkwardness and love out loud with integrity and character. We will answer the questions people are actually asking, staying Biblically faithful and culturally relevant.

John 1:14, Acts 9 (Paul’s conversion)

Stand Together

“We pursue unity, work collaboratively, and hold things loosely.”

We will work with each other as opposed to alone because we are better together. We will always aim to replace ourselves by developing others and multiplying leaders. We will be about unity in the greater body of Christ, partnering with churches and movements beyond our walls. We pursue meaningful relationships by intentionally providing care, instruction, discipleship, and fellowship for one another.
Ecclesiastes 4:12, Proverbs 10:12, Philippians 2:1-2

Walk In Truth

“We always ask, 'What does the Bible say?'”

We will live our lives under the guidance and direction of the Bible, seeking to follow God’s ways in every attitude, thought, and decision in life. The Bible is our first and primary source of guidance for all faith and practice. We are a people of the Word, by the Word, and for the Word.