Cornerstone Events

Looking for a way to get connected?

Instead of the church just being a building to gather in on Sundays, we want it to be a place where you can feel connected, serve, and find community.  We have many events available for all different age groups and life stages.  Check out the info and register for any that interest you.

Events & Registrations

Cornerstone Kids Families
Saturday, July 27 at 5:00 PM
Stay Connected to Students this Summer
Wednesday, July 31 at 6:30 PM
A Group for 55+
Tuesday, August 20 at 11 AM
A Weekly Event for Men
Pray for the Nations
Wednesday, August 14 at 6:30 PM
With O'Fallon Parks & Rec
Friday, August 9
Check out our short-term trips
Mission Trips 2024
Recovery for Hurts, Habits, & Hangups
Every Monday at 6 PM
Interested in joining a group?
Summer 2024
Provide lunches to kids in the area

Programming & Resources

Upcoming events for Kids & Students
Summer  2024
Info for Early Childhood & Elementary Kids
Sunday Mornings & Midweek Programming
Resources, Events, & Marriage information
Marriage Tools
Info for Middle & High School Students
Sunday Mornings & Midweek Programming
Have questions about baptism?
Schedule a Meeting
Get connected by serving others
Pick from our Volunteer Ministry List
Stay up to date on what's happening!
Enews & A Note From Chris
Help our community through generosity
Donations Appreciated
We could all use some prayer.
Request Prayer or Pray for Other
We cannot outgive God!
A Challenge to Tithe for 90 Days
Online Bible Studies
Access FREE Resources
We all have a Next Step to take
Pray | Act | Study | Serve