We're thrilled that you're considering joining us for worship and fellowship. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a longtime member of the community, we want to ensure that your experience with us feels like home. On this page, you'll find everything you need to know about our services which are designed to help you feel comfortable and connected from the moment you walk through our doors.
Who We Are
Cornerstone is an independent, nondenominational church...
Our Mission
Cornerstone Exists to connect people to Jesus for transformed lives.
Our Vision
To be a church of growing disciples making growing disciples.
To learn more about our Mission, Vision, and Beliefs, click below.
Weekend Schedule
Our Weekend services are designed around helping people worship in an environment that is as distraction-free as possible while connecting with others and learning about Jesus. Here are some useful tips to help you be prepared for weekend service.
Arrive at the Church
(15 minutes before service starts)
Arriving a few minutes early will ensure you have enough time to park, check your kids in, grab a cup of coffee, stop by Next Steps to say "Hi," and find a seat in the worship center.
Check in your children
(10 minutes before service starts)
If this is your first time with us, our Cornerstone Kids team will gather some information (name, contact info, DOB) from you to ensure your kids have a memorable experience and you feel safe leaving your kids in our care.
Service Starts
(On the dot )
If you are in the lobby or cafe you will see TVs with a 5-minute count down to help you know when services will start. We know your time is valuable so typically our services start right on time and last about an hour.
Worship Through Song
We invite you to take a step back from your daily routine and focus on what Jesus has done for us. Each week we will sing two or three songs as part of our worship service. Most of these songs are contemporary.
You are invited to sing, listen, watch, or do all three.
You are invited to sing, listen, watch, or do all three.
Worship Through Teaching
Each week you will be presented with biblical teachings that provide the opportunity to learn something new. Our pastors teach from the Bible every week to help us understand how these teachings apply to our lives. Most sermon series last 4-5 weeks.
Worship Elements
1. Communion - Eating a small piece of bread and drinking juice (not wine) in remembrance of Jesus' death for us. (see Luke 22:18-20)
2. Offering - This is an act of worship for anyone that calls Cornerstone home. As our guest we do not expect you to give.
2. Offering - This is an act of worship for anyone that calls Cornerstone home. As our guest we do not expect you to give.
Plan Your Visit
Are you planning to join us? Now that you know a little bit about us, let us know you are coming. We will be glad to help you get connected.