Marriage Events
Weekend to Remember is for any couple that dreams of a deep and fulfilling relationship with their spouse. Whether you’re engaged, newlyweds, or coming up on your 50th wedding anniversary; whether you can’t keep your hands off of each other or can’t look each other in the eyes; whether you got married in a church or stumbled into one for counseling – we designed Weekend to Remember with you in mind. AWTR is offered many different dates and places throughout the year. We want to encourage you to attend with other couples from Cornerstone on March 7-9 in Kansas City, Mo. You can use the code OnecornerstoneCC when registering.
Starting February 10, there will be a 14-week study week study through the book Re-engage that is for couples looking for tools to build a stronger marriage. The cost is $10 per couple and childcare is available at an additional cost.
You've always heard about it, but you didn't believe it until you experienced it yourself-- Marriage is hard!
Join area counselor, Dr Patrice Pye, on Saturday, October 12 from 12:30-5:00 (light snacks provided) for a special seminar equivalent to multiple sessions of marriage counseling. This seminar costs $50 per couple and will resource couples with tools to build a stronger marriage and a better relationship with Christ. Spots are limited!
Join area counselor, Dr Patrice Pye, on Saturday, October 12 from 12:30-5:00 (light snacks provided) for a special seminar equivalent to multiple sessions of marriage counseling. This seminar costs $50 per couple and will resource couples with tools to build a stronger marriage and a better relationship with Christ. Spots are limited!