February 17th, 2022
by Raydean Stuckey
by Raydean Stuckey
“I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you.â€
I remember trying to hold back a tear as a young lady shared her testimony after a week of summer camp with the church. Having just returned, she talked about the life change she experienced, and the love of Jesus she encountered for the first time. As she shared, it became evident that she did not have the funds to pay for such a week. She would have never gone to camp without a generous donor. She was paired up with a giver from the church who themselves had once been transformed at summer camp and felt compelled to give. This giver donated one entire trip to help a student in need, and this young lady was the recipient. Her life had been altered forever, as she accepted Christ and was baptized the previous week at camp. But it went further.
“I was thinking about taking my life every day. I even had thought about ways I would do it. I didn’t think anyone loved me. I knew God didn’t love me. I just could not see any way out. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you.â€
There was no way to hold back the tears at that point. Everyone in the room lost it. Not only was her salvation altered, but her life was spared because someone anonymously and generously gave to ministry. While not every story is that dramatic, I am constantly amazed how God takes the faithful and often generous gifts of his people and connects them to life-changing moments and experiences. That is how God works in his church. As followers of Jesus, we give to him faithfully, and he uses our combined gifts to fund ministry and transform people one at a time. Every week, I am honored to give from what God provides for our family to generously give not only our tithe, but above and beyond to see his Kingdom advance. It’s an incredible privilege.
Allow me to note two current situations at Cornerstone that relate to this story:
1) Invest Wall
At both campuses and online, we are encouraging you to dig a little deeper (as you are able) and give an above and beyond gift to help students get to camp this summer. With 100% certainty, I can tell you that your gift will be life-altering. Camp always is.
On that note…if you have a grade-school child or student, Cornerstone has a camp for them this summer. GET THEM TO CAMP. The dates and registrations are all on the website. What happens in a focused week is often a huge jump forward in faith for our students. Bring a friend, do whatever you need to do, but get them to camp. It’s worth it.
Invest Wall is a ministry outlet that helps defer the cost for students, especially those new to faith or in need of some financial help. If you can give, please do. Check out the details here.
2) Current Financial State at Cornerstone
We ended 2021 in a great financial state with money in the bank. As you know personally, that can change quickly, and it has. With multiple low giving weekends and some unexpected expenses for technology that exceeds $100,000, we are behind already for 2022, with giving at about 80% of our budget. If you are not giving, please prayerfully consider giving. If you are behind, this is an awesome time to catch up. If you have excess and want to bless your church, not only will others be blessed, but it will honor God as well. Let’s get back on track in February as we press forward toward some great ministry goals and opportunities this year.
Yours & His,
Chris VandeLinde
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