A Note From Chris - February 24, 2022

Pray for Ukraine and Russia!

Whether you watch the news or not, you’ve likely heard about the battle that is now raging in Ukraine with Russia. We cannot know all the ins and outs of this conflict, nor can we have all the answers to it being resolved. But people are likely to die, and many, many lives are likely to be affected forever. Casualties are already mounting. And we are called to pray. I’ve borrowed these prayer prompts from various outlets this week who are also compelled to pray.

Here are 5 suggested themes to pray over and intercede for the people of both Ukraine and Russia:

1) Pray for the people of Ukraine and Russia. Pray for strength, perseverance, and courage for the Ukrainians as their homes and communities are threatened. Pray for the Russian people that they would call for peace.

2) Pray for the leaders of both countries to know God’s truth and peace and be transformed by his Holy Spirit, and that they would seek to lead their countries in the way of peace and not war. Also pray for wisdom for world leaders as they navigate their place in the conflict and speak out.

3) Pray for peace, comfort, and protection to cover the people of Russia and Ukraine. Ask to see God’s glory amid this great struggle among soldiers and civilians alike.

4) Pray that God would be glorified through the people of Russia and Ukraine who are following Him. Ask for open doors of opportunities for the Gospel to be shared and received. Pray that God would make His name known across Ukraine and Russia as the result of any conflict.

5) Pray for the believers in Ukraine and Russia, that they would speak as one voice against the violence. Pray for churches, relief workers, and humanitarian aid workers to be the hands and feet of Jesus as people are displaced and harmed.

I’m praying with you.

At Cornerstone, we celebrate that as of last Sunday, 467 adults are part of a group, either on a campus or in a home, with 212 of them new to a group this year. That is a great launch to our groups this winter! I pray if you are in a group that you stick with it, do life with those around you, and take advantage of the great outlet those relationships can be to help you grow and P.A.S.S. on your faith. If you aren’t in a group, it’s not too late! You can sign-up here.

Thanks for those who gave extra or caught up on giving last weekend. While we are still quite behind financially year to date, last week’s giving was a huge step in the right direction. Thanks for your consistent faithfulness!

Yours & His,
Chris VandeLinde

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