April 14th, 2023
by Felicia Severson
by Felicia Severson
I’m still just riding the wave of what God did in church at Easter! We set up a tent and almost 100% more chairs than we use on a typical Sunday....and they were all full plus some. We invited our Ones, and many came. We invited families to stay and play, and they did. We invited the Holy Spirit to come, and he showed up.
Easter this year was just another one of those moments that is a clear reminder that there is something special about worshipping a holy God together. There is nothing that replaces an in-person worship experience with the church body. In total, Cornerstone saw about a 40% boost in attendance from a “normal” weekend this year, and we were already up around 20% since Christmas. God is moving, and I’m so grateful to be part of it!
Sunday, I’ll be announcing two exciting things: the running totals from our This Is For Everyone commitments as well as our First Fruits offering. I hope you are as encouraged by it as I am.
We will also be starting a new series called, “The Missing Peace: Finding Hope For Relationships.” Because if you are like most people, you have some struggles with other people from time to time. Relationships are tough, and frankly they default or naturally settle to “not so great” instead of “fantastic!”. Thankfully, God invented relationships, so he has some incredible things to teach us about how to have the best relationships possible.
We will have a theme verse in Romans 12:18, which is this simple yet difficult charge: “Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone”. That’s it! That’s basically the secret to incredible relationships! But it feels and often IS more difficult than this verse.
We will be sharing six Biblical principles that may not completely fix every relationship overnight...far from it. But they will help us to make and keep better relationships moving forward when the tensions get high. Take a moment and read Romans 12 in prep for Sunday, and maybe underline or highlight a verse or two that really stands out to you along with verse 18. This will be a fantastic series to bring your Ones to, as they likely have relationships in their lives that could use some wisdom, too. See you Sunday!
I’m still just riding the wave of what God did in church at Easter! We set up a tent and almost 100% more chairs than we use on a typical Sunday....and they were all full plus some. We invited our Ones, and many came. We invited families to stay and play, and they did. We invited the Holy Spirit to come, and he showed up.
Easter this year was just another one of those moments that is a clear reminder that there is something special about worshipping a holy God together. There is nothing that replaces an in-person worship experience with the church body. In total, Cornerstone saw about a 40% boost in attendance from a “normal” weekend this year, and we were already up around 20% since Christmas. God is moving, and I’m so grateful to be part of it!
Sunday, I’ll be announcing two exciting things: the running totals from our This Is For Everyone commitments as well as our First Fruits offering. I hope you are as encouraged by it as I am.
We will also be starting a new series called, “The Missing Peace: Finding Hope For Relationships.” Because if you are like most people, you have some struggles with other people from time to time. Relationships are tough, and frankly they default or naturally settle to “not so great” instead of “fantastic!”. Thankfully, God invented relationships, so he has some incredible things to teach us about how to have the best relationships possible.
We will have a theme verse in Romans 12:18, which is this simple yet difficult charge: “Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone”. That’s it! That’s basically the secret to incredible relationships! But it feels and often IS more difficult than this verse.
We will be sharing six Biblical principles that may not completely fix every relationship overnight...far from it. But they will help us to make and keep better relationships moving forward when the tensions get high. Take a moment and read Romans 12 in prep for Sunday, and maybe underline or highlight a verse or two that really stands out to you along with verse 18. This will be a fantastic series to bring your Ones to, as they likely have relationships in their lives that could use some wisdom, too. See you Sunday!

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